PREMIUM*** Disc diamantat de taiat podele|Beton tatat
FSH***-C | in TGD®-technology
Machines up to 50 kW / hydr. >50 kW Universal | soft to very hard concrete aggregates. Details: Laser welded up to a diameter of 1200 mm. Special segment shape with a protective function to guard against premature steel blade wear in the contact zone – (undercutting-effect)

MPREMIUM*** Disc diamantat pentru taiere uscata
DCA+C***pentru asfalt si beton
Materiale care se pot prelucra: asfalt, beton proaspat turnat cu adaosuri de materiale moi sau dure.

Disc diamantat de taiat podele|Beton proaspat
Chamfer cutter
AS12 | 90° one part | for groove widths of 3–5 mm

PREMIUM*** Disc diamantat de taiat podele|Beton proaspat
Expansion joints / expansion grooves, road construction. Machines up to 50 kW/ hydr. >50 kW Universal | soft to very

PREMIUM*** Disc diamantat de taiat podele|Beton proaspat
Expansion joints / expansion grooves, road construction. Machines up to 25 kW / hydr. up to 50 kW Universal | soft to