
Masini taiat beton pe fir, actionate electric sau hidraulic si masini pe fir circulare, pentru lungimi ale firului de pana la 15.5m..


Wire saw accessories

Wire saw accessories

For cutting foundations, for precise wire guidance


Dispozitiv de taiere circulara cu fir diamantat CCH25*** / CCE25***

Dispozitiv de taiere circulara cu fir diamantat CCH25*** / CCE25***

Circular cuts of Ø 500–2500 mm

Replaces expensive, heavy large bore drills.


Fir diamantat WCE14

Fir diamantat WCE14

Gross wire length 14.2 m

Extra large wire storage as well as the ability to make long passes for the greatest possible application and use.


Fir diamantat SK-SD

Fir diamantat SK-SD

Gross wire length 10.8 m

Suitable for structures with a scope of up to 7.4 m thanks to the large wire storage.


Accesorii masina de taiat cu fir diamantat

Accesorii masina de taiat cu fir diamantat

Threaded sleeve for saw wire diameter 11 mm
